
August 31st

Tomorrow is the first day of September. It's the month in which summer is dwindling and signs of fall are slowly beginning to creep out. This has been a busy and fun-filled summer, and I'm excited to let the autumn slowdown seep into my routine.
I took my camera out earlier this week and snapped a few pictures around my yard - just before the sun set. They really aren't anything special, but I've been dying to get out and shoot, so I did!


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Summer Sunflowers

I've been in Nashville for over 6 weeks and I've been terrible about making time to go out and take pictures, experiment, and nurture my creativity (although I have been writing quite a bit). I've taken my DSLR out twice… TWICE! This needs to change. Tomorrow I move into my brand new H O M E, and I think once I settle in I should be able to start shooting again. These next few photos I took over the past week on my iPhone. I decided to be a little adventurous and overlaid a couple of the images in Photoshop.

sunflower sunflower

sunflower photoshop experiment - 2

sunflower photoshop experiment - 1