
a walk about in the cemetery.

We're getting older.
I appreciate our times together more now than 
I did when I was a child, ignorant and care-free.
Sometimes I wish I could return. Go back to those days of 
basking in the sun, building forts in the woods and 
pretending to be indians. Having slumber parties.
But there's so many privileges that go along with growing up.
Given the chance I don't think I would go to Neverland.

Our beloved Sierra will be coming home from India 
at the end of next month. Then the four sisters 
will be reunited... for a little while. Life pulls us in all different directions.
Anna will be getting married this fall.
Who knows what God has in store for all us.

friends with trees by alicemaephotography

cuties by alicemaephotography

underneath swaying limbs by alicemaephotography


my morning coffee

This set of photos is an example of what a good night's sleep and a good cup of coffee can do for you.

Inspiration: a simple + pretty pink cup, soft morning light.

s e t  of  4 by alicemaephotography

so  many  t h o u g h t s by alicemaephotography

morning bliss by alicemaephotography

solitary by alicemaephotography